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Rally for Rodney Reed: Innocent on Texas Death Row
Rally for Rodney Reed: Innocent on Texas Death Row Saturday, November 9, 2019 2 PM Texas Governor’s Mansion Texas may execute an innocent person on November 20, 2019. Rodney Reed is innocent in the murder of Stacey Stites – a crime for which he has been on death row since 1998. Recent revelations from…read more
Speakers at 20th Annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty
The rally starts at 2 PM October 19, 2019 on the South Steps of the Texas Capitol. There will also be a press conference inside the Capitol in the Speaker’s Committee Room (2W.6) from noon to 1 PM Speakers list: Lily Hughes to Emcee At the Capitol before marching: Witness to Innocence speakers (all exonerated…read more
Five Death Row Exonerees to Speak at 19th Annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty
Thank you to Witness to Innocence for sending five death row exonerees to speak at the 19th Annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty. Come hear their stories at the Texas Capitol in Austin on October 20, 2018 at 2 PM. They are: Ron Keine who spent years on death row in new Mexico, Gary…read more
Rep. Terry Canales Files Updated Law of Parties Bill in Special Session
State Rep Terry Canales has filed a new law of parties bill in the special session. HB 252 is different from the bills in the regular session. It adds a section that directs the jury “to determine based on the evidence admitted at the guilt or innocence stage whether the defendant is guilty of the…read more
Petition to Stop Execution of Jeff Wood, Who Did Not Kill Anyone
Texas Department of Criminal Justice spokesman Jason Clark said Monday the agency has received court documents setting 42-year-old Jeffrey Wood for lethal injection Aug. 24. Wood was convicted under the Texas law of parties, which makes the participant in a capital murder equally culpable of the crime. Evidence showed his roommate, Daniel Reneau, fatally shot…read more
Top 10 Texas Death Penalty News Stories of 2015
1) Alfred Dewayne Brown was exonerated and released after more than ten years on Texas death row for a crime he did not commit. He walked free and into the loving arms of his family and friends on June 8, 2015. “I went in an innocent man and I came out an innocent man,” said Brown….read more
Did Texas Execute an Innocent Person in 2015?
Lester Bower, who had a strong case of innocence, was executed on June 8, 2015 after 31 years on Texas death row. He spent more time on death row than any other person executed in Texas. Bower maintained his innocence to the end. According to Jordan Smith of The Intercept, “serious questions remained about the state’s investigation and prosecution of Bower….read more